Tuesday, June 5, 2012

With Grammy at Chuy's

We had an awesome time with my mom once we got back from Haiti. So thankful for her and her willingness to stay with the kids while we were out of pocket.
BTW my kids aren't as surly as they appear in this pic :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

R-O-C-E-P-H-I-N Spells Relief

Talk about not keeping up with a blog!  Wow!  We recently returned to Haiti (Melissa and I) to attend to a medical emergency for Velo.  It was good we were there.  Through all sorts of minor miracles and connections, we were able to a) have him see a really good doctor; b) get him the proper dosage of antibiotics (if you want to know what pharmacies in Port-au-Prince have Rocephin, I'll be glad to tell you); c) meet a wonderful family in which the mom just happens to be trained as a NICU nurse and was able to administer shots and take care of V as he convalesces.  We're forever grateful.
I'll try to be more current.  A lot has occurred over the past two years, but not nearly enough if you know what I mean.  Yearning for the kids to be with us.